Once past the tutorials, you're on your own and must complete all tasks using logic and learned skills.ģ-D Ultra TrainTown features 13 types of railroad cars, three engines, a caboose and steam tender.

There are five tutorials (introductory level jobs) in which a narrator explains specific aspects of the game such as fixing hazards, laying track, signals, loads and deliveries and basic guidelines. In between, you'll be promoted to progressively more skillful levels of Hobo Bouncer, Grease Monkey and Fire Stoker in 3-D Ultra TrainTown from Sierra Attractions.Īs the promotions occur, jobs get more difficult and complex. You'll need both to work your way up from a lowly Caboose Washer (easy level) to expert Whistle Blower status as you complete more than 70 assignments in seven unique worlds.